Washing Your Hands

Have you been slacking off on washing your hands lately? Yeah, we get it! Of course, you don’t want to spend a couple of minutes washing your hands. However, you’re going to have to make the time.

If you’re not washing your hands every hour, you need to start thinking about how to fix that problem. You’re not working from home anymore. You’re at work, so it’s time to develop some handwashing habits.

So today is the day for some serious handwashing! It’s time to start paying attention and making an effort. If nothing else, take a moment during your lunch break (or before), and wash up for two minutes before eating anything.

Why are Handwashes Used?

Sure, you can use soap. However, given the post-pandemic situation and the fact that many people share soap bars in public areas, doing so poses a serious health risk. Because of this, using a handwash instead of a bar of soap is safer.

How to Select the Appropriate Handwash

One of the most crucial things you can do to practice good hygiene and stop the spread of disease is to wash your hands. Unfortunately, poor hygiene practices are often due to a lack of knowledge about selecting the best hand wash liquid for effective handwashing.

Handwashes come in various types, including liquid, gels, foams, antibacterial soaps, and more. Although it may be challenging to determine which handwash works the best simply by looking at them, these handwashes differ in their capacity to remove germs from hands. Here are some recommendations for selecting the best handwash.

Using soap or a liquid hand wash is the first factor to consider when selecting the best hand wash gel. While both products are helpful, people often think soap is superior to a liquid cleanser in killing germs, bacteria, and dirt.

Liquid handwash made of alcohol is more efficient than those made of soap. You should use an alcohol-based liquid hand soap if you work in a hospital or care facility. There are more bacteria-based illnesses because of close contact with patients and their bodily fluids.

  • At least 60% alcohol and hydrating oils like jojoba, avocado, or olive oil should be in a good organic hand wash to keep your skin healthy while sanitising.
  • Avoid using scented hand wash soap as much as possible because they might contain fragrances that irritate the skin or trigger an allergic reaction.
  • Use items with “antibacterial” or “antimicrobial” labels. These branded hand washes are more effective at killing germs than soaps without these labels.

Top Recommendations: Fruiser Moisturising Hand Wash, Dalan Cream Soap Liquid Hand Wash, Savlon Moisture Shield Germ Handwash, Rustic Art Organic Neem Hand Wash

Washing Your Hands is Easy

You might not be doing it correctly now. So the least you can do to safeguard your family and yourself is to wash your hands properly. Here is a brief explanation.

  1. Apply a dime-sized amount of hand wash liquid soap to your palm after wetting your hands.
  2. Make sure you cover both hands by forming a rich lather. Be sure to check your fingernails and the backs of your hands.
  3. To finish, wash your wrists after interlacing your fingers to cover the spaces between them.
  4. Rub firmly for at least 40 seconds before rinsing off under running water.
  5. Utilise a fresh paper or cotton towel to dry your hands.

When to Wash Your Hands

Hand cleaning will help you and your loved ones stay safe. Here are a few benefits of washing hands thoroughly.

  1. Before and after treating patients with pneumonia or diarrhoea
  2. Before and after meals, while preparing and cooking food
  3. After sneezing, coughing, and blowing one’s nose
  4. Following bathroom use
  5. Cutting and wound care: before and after
  6. Following exposure to garbage
  7. Following exposure to animals and animal waste 

Making Homemade Hand Wash

Ingredients Required:

  1. A single bar of antibacterial soap.
  2. Glycerine 
  3. Your preferred essential oil 

It would help to grate the antibacterial soap into a bowl until you have reduced it to flakes.


  1. Pour one bowl of boiled water into a blender along with the soap flakes. Blend until a paste-like consistency develops.
  2. Add ten drops of essential oil and one tablespoon of glycerin to the blender. To achieve a buttery consistency, blend the ingredients once more until thoroughly combined.
  3. Give the mixture 10 minutes to cool down. Use a funnel to pour your homemade hand wash into a pump bottle once it has cooled.
  4. Shake after closing the lid. Now that your best defence is in a bottle, you can use your natural hand wash.

It is crucial to use hand wash products to wash your hands regularly. Handwashes are the most straightforward method for getting rid of the dirt and germs on your hands, and they come with various advantages. At Health & Glow, a one-stop shop for skincare and makeup essentials, you can purchase the best handwashes under one roof. So what are you holding out for? Put the items in your cart right away and shop away!

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